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One-derful Story Launch day 1967  Timelines- 1966  1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975

1976 1977 1978 to 1992  1993 to 1997  Original Presenters  Logos  Merchandise   

Listings - 1960's  1970's 1980's 1990's  Campaigns & O.B's  Transmitters  Egton House 


Cuttings 1970's  1980's

Radio Times Cuttings; 1960's

introducing the swinging radio service

Advertisement for 'Crack the Clue'

in Radio Times 23.09.67 - the

week before Radio 1 was launched

Listing for launch day




Cover Saturday 30th September 1967

Radio Times Cover Saturday 30th September 1967

Radio Times Sep 30th 1967 page 2


Radio Times Sep 30th 1967 page 12

Cuttings; 1970's  1980's



Rest in Peace

Andy Peebles


Site design and text

Radio Rewind



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